Saturday, October 29, 2011

Serious thinking in Week 1

Wow.  Week 1 has gone already! 

Here are some of the great thinkers in Room 2 using a new thing called a 'Think Board'.  We can use these to show lots of different ways of thinking about number stories and addition problems. 

We also began thinking about safety and some of the things that can be a problem when crossing the road, around the playground, by the water and in the sun.  Constable Heather Rei is coming in Week 2 (that's tomorrow & Tuesday) to help us explore safe ways of walking. 

Kicking off our first week of Show & Tell are: KayLee, Josiah, Izan, Cairo and Zane.  The notes went home on Friday and we're looking forward to hearing what these speakers have to share with us.

Have a great week everybody

from the fabulous Room 2!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Calendar Art and our trip to Ōtākau Marae

Hi everyone

Check out these photos of fabulous artworks by 'well-known' local artists.
You can order calendars and packs of cards featuring your child's artwork...

Josiah - Playing at lunchtime.

Kelli - Hot chocolates.

Rebecca - ABC with balloons and milkshakes.

Luke - Playing on the metal slides.

Tigue - Singing the National Anthem in English, Māori & New Zealand Sign Language

KayLee - watching Yogi Bear with Libby at Bradford Great Behaviour Movie afternoon.

Briah - Eating ice cream made with liquid nitrogen during a super science session with University Physicists.

Cairo - Hot chocolate!

Arleyah -At the Marae

Libby -Sad to say goodbye to friends.

Mina -Hot Chocolate

Zoe - Bradford's friendly chickens.

Caitlin - Hot chocolate

Steven - Wheels ABC day.  Steven on his scooter and Zoe on her bike.

Paige -Bird feeders we made at discovery time.

Izan - playing with Zane at lunchtime.

Aden - Chickens at Bradford.
Zane - Riding my scooter at ABC wheels day.

Kerrianne -Gymnastics

Check out the last newsletter of the term for details about how to order.

And finally, a photo of some of our learning about the Marae.  We all had a go at weaving putiputi (flowers) at the Marae but it was really, really hard.  So we did this simple weaving so we could all learn about alternating under and over.

Thanks to Vicky (Paige's mum), Sheryl (Briah's mum) and Coreen (Mrs B's mum) who came to the marae.

Here's a few photos of some of us at the Marae.  It was awesome fun and we learned HEAPS!!

Zane giving his mihi to Group 3.

Mina giving her mihi to Group 3.

Matua Duggie telling some of the legends about Maui.

Groups 1 and 2 give their mihi to their small groups in front of the whārenui.

Group 3 playing Rākau Purei (Stick Games) with Matua Tony

Libby and Xanthe weaving putiputi (flowers)