Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

Last Wednesday afternoon Room 2 made a huge bubbly mess.  It was all in the aid of science.  Read Aden's recount of the bubbly experience below.

Yesterday after lunch I blew bubbles and it was fun.  I did it outside Room 2.  I made a HUGE bubble and it was bigger than my shoe.  It was AMAZING.  I learned more about bubbles.

by Aden

We had a lot of fun blowing bubbles and tried to come up with questions about bubbles.  Around the photos are some of the great questions that some people in the class asked about bubbles to find out things we don't know yet.

Why is it so hard to blow bubbles out of the straw?

How do they pop?

What colour are they?

How do bubbles blow up real big?

Why is it all fluffy at the top?

Why can bubbles be big and small?
When can you blow bubbles?

Why can't you taste it?

How do the bubbles get air?

How do bubbles get into a round circle?

1 comment:

  1. How do bubbles get into a round circle? Please tell me R2 scientists!
    Ms. D
