On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11.00 until 12.30 we have a range of literacy learning. Here are some photos of the Absolutely Amazing Room 2 learning skills in reading, writing, spelling and oral language.
The captions have been written by several students in Room 2.
Tigue, Steven and Briah are doing Handwriting |
Rebecca, Kelli and Luke are doing their spelling activity. |
Cairo and Aden are designing stuff on the design table. |
Zoe is watching Paige and Luke doing the puppet theatre. |
Me and Josiah are doing the pocket chart. (They have put the words in alphabetical order. They swapped two around to see if you notice. Can you work out which ones? - Mrs B) |
Briah, Mina, Luke and Cairo are playing Charades. (This is a popular game and great for learning new words - Mrs B) |
I am on the computer. (There are many great websites to use, including this one which is www.abcyacom ) |
This is Room two reading "My Sloppy Tiger Goes to School" with Mrs Knight. |
Rebecca and Briah are reading around the room. |
Libby is writing around the room. |
Rebecca and Briah are reading. |
Aden and Josiah are doing a story and reading "The Big Block of Chocolate". |
Caitlin and Kelli are reading "Te Tio Bay" (This is a tricky rhyming book and the girls are doing a great job of reading it as part of small group reading with the teacher - Mrs B) |
Paige and Tigue are making words. |
Kelli, Luke, Caitlin and Josiah are doing a play. | |
There are a few other literacy learning centres in Room 2. Make sure you check the blog regularly to see what they are.
Room 2 is working very hard on their literacy and I am very proud of all of them. Our ABC is on Thursday this week. It's a special morning tea including rainbow jellies, ABC mini muffins and ... well... I've got to keep something for a surprise! See you again soon. - Mrs B
well done room 2 your page looks fantastic. looks like you have been all working very hard and having fun. keep up the good work room 2 we are all very proud of you. I look forward to seeing what you get up to next. enjoy your ABC morning tea sounds like good fun.