Hi everyone
Last week was exceptionally busy and we achieved a lot. Learning about Place Value is going well and we've been having a real blitz on using capital letters and full stops in our writing. EVERYONE is making progress with reading and we are learning more and more new words every day.
Friday afternoon was incredibly exciting. After silent reading Mrs B announced our ABC. (Awesome Behaviour Celebration.) We all lined up and ordered a chocolate or strawberry milkshake from Paige (the star of the week) and Josiah (the super helper for the day). After we ordered we went into Room 1 and had great fun playing with balloons. And the best thing... we were
all on the
GREEN traffic light so we all got to join in. Yay!!
At assembly we started by sharing the poem 'Undersea' with some really cool actions. Some of us read out 'Fishy Stories' we had written using cartoon pictures as inspiration.
Here's a few for you to read.
The Mermaid - by Arleyah
The mermaid and the dolphin went for a swim in the 0cean.
The Rescue - by Kerrianne
The Mermaid got caught. The Dolphin saved the mermaid.
The Mermaid - by Paige
Once upon a time there was a little mermaid and her pet dolphin. They love jumping out of the water and back in again. The mermaid had long white hair. The dolphin could talk and the dolphin was pink and sparkly. The mermaid has a sparkly blue tail.
Dinner - by Tigue
Once upon a time there was a fish in a glass. One day the cat came and looked in the glass. The fish was scared so he got eaten. When the cat finished eating the fish he did a burp.
And finally...
Here is the finished artwork that we displayed in assembly. We painted a variety of sea creatures with bright acrylic paints like Marcus Phister and cut them out. After we spent a little while composing the layout we glued them to the watery environments. Check out the paintings for sharks, starfish, seahorses, puffer fish, sting rays, jelly fish, rainbow fish and lots of others. Oh, and a few mermaids of course! We learned a lot about mark making with paint during the last two weeks and how to respond to the work of ourselves and others. We also think they're pretty cool paintings!
KayLee |
Zoe |